1 First Iowa State Bank 2 Caudill Elizabeth 2 Caudill Vercil C
| Release Mortgage
| 216 38
| | 02/05/1990 02/03/1990 | 994 |
1 Ryan Christopher R 1 Ryan Gail Anderson 1 Ryan Harry 1 Ryan James 1 Ryan Sandra 1 Ryan Sue 2 First Iowa State Bank
| Mortgage 71-18-05 PT E/2 SE/4 71-18-05 W/2 SE/4 71-18-05 E/2 SW/4 EX RR ROW 71-18-05 NW/4 SW/4 71-18-05 PT SE/4 NW/4 71-18-05 PT SW/4 NE/4 71-18-06 NE/4 SE/4 71-18-07 E/2 NE/4 71-18-08 N/2 NE/4 71-18-08 NW/4
| 216 31
| | 02/02/1990 01/10/1990 | 993 Related |
1 Scieszinski Rosella Livengood 2 Barnhill Charles S 2 Barnhill Eleanor
| Quit Claim Deed ALB 3RD SURVEY BLK 18 N/2 LOTS 7 & 8
| 216 30
| | 02/02/1990 01/26/1990 | 992 |
1 Church Iowa Annual Conf Of The United Methodist 1 Iowa Annual Conference Of The United Methodist Ch 2 Iowa State Of Dot
| Contract 72-19-32 PT NW/4 NW/4
| 216 26
| | 02/02/1990 01/23/1990 | 991 |
1 Coplen Marvin G 1 Coplen Shirley A 2 Mahaska State Bank
| Mortgage BRI BLK 11 LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 WITH EX BRI BLK 12 ALL OF; WITH EX
| 216 21
| | 02/02/1990 01/24/1990 | 990 Related |
1 Kness Mfg Co Inc 2 First Iowa State Bank
| Mortgage 72-17-28 N 30A NE/4 SE/4 SUBJ TO RR ROW ETC 72-17-28 PT LOT 8 NW/4 SW/4 EX EASE
| 216 16
| | 02/02/1990 02/01/1990 | 989 Related |
1 Hendrickson Joanne C 1 Hendrickson Richard A 2 Kness Marvin E
| Warranty Deed ALB GEORGE'S 1ST ADD BLK 3 PT LOT 4
| 216 15
| | 02/01/1990 01/31/1990 | 988 |
1 Steele Ruth 2 Steele Delbert 2 Steele Ruth
| Affidavits ALB GEORGE'S 2ND ADD BLK 1 LOT 7
| 216 14
| | 02/01/1990 01/31/1990 | 987 |
1 Steele Ruth 2 Steele Delbert 2 Steele Ruth
| Affidavits ALB GEORGE'S 1ST ADD BLK 1 E/2 LOT 4
| 216 13
| | 02/01/1990 01/31/1990 | 986 |
1 Geyer Funeral Chapel Inc 1 Geyer Nordstrom Funeral Chapel Inc 2 All Concerned
| Other
| 216 11
| | 02/01/1990 12/31/1989 | 985 |
1 Carmichael Neola Estate 1 Herrick Sandra Executor 2 Schrage Garry C 2 Schrage Gladys L
| Quit Claim Deed GREEN ACRES LOT 165 & 166
| 216 10
| | 02/01/1990 01/26/1990 | 984 |
1 Sample Grace L Poa 1 Sample Wayne L 2 Sample Grace L
| Quit Claim Deed 72-16-20 PT SE/4 SE/4 72-16-20 PT SW/4 SE/4 72-16-29 PT SE/4 NW/4
| 216 9
| | 01/31/1990 01/31/1990 | 981 |
1 Yarkosky Steve Estate 2 Biros John
| Change Of Title 71-16-06 NE/4 NW/4 71-16-06 E 20R NW/4 NW/4 71-16-06 S/2 NW/4
| 216 8
| | 01/30/1990 01/30/1990 | 980 |
1 Klobnak George 1 Klobnak Mildred M 2 Klobnak Larry E 2 Klobnak Linda
| Release Mortgage
| 216 7
| | 01/29/1990 01/17/1990 | 979 |
1 Klobnak Larry E 1 Klobnak Linda L 2 First Iowa State Bank
| Mortgage 73-17-22 PT SW/4 SW/4 SUBJ TO EASE
| 216 2
| | 01/29/1990 01/22/1990 | 978 Related |
1 Haynes Everett G Estate 2 Haynes Hester I
| 216 1
| | 01/29/1990 01/26/1990 | 977 |
1 Short Roland D 1 Short Ruby L 2 Armintrout Miriam A 2 Armintrout Norman K
| Quit Claim Deed LAZY DAZ RANCH UNIT 7 LOT 27
| 215 350
| | 01/26/1990 01/25/1990 | 976 |
1 Forsythe Reba L Estate 2 Watts Elsie
| Change Of Title 73-16-28 PT SW/4 73-16-32 E/2 NE/4 NE/4 73-16-33 PT NW/4 73-16-33 W/2 NW/4 NE/4 73-16-33 PT W/2 SW/4 NE/4 73-16-33 PT NW/4 SW/4
| 215 349
| | 01/26/1990 01/26/1990 | 975 |
1 Murphy J Edward 1 Murphy Mary C 2 Peoples State Bank
| Mortgage 71-19-13 PT W/2 SW/4
| 215 344
| | 01/26/1990 01/18/1990 | 974 Related |
1 Murphy Mary C 1 United States Of America 2 Murphy J Edward
| Release Mortgage
| 215 343
| | 01/26/1990 01/24/1990 | 973 |
1 Rowley Blanche Margaret 1 Rowley Earl E 2 Rowley Harold
| Warranty Deed 71-17-20 PT NE/4 71-17-20 NE/4 NW/4 71-17-20 PT SE/4 NW/4 71-17-19 W/2 NE/4 71-17-19 E/2 E/2 NE/4 NW/4 71-17-19 NW/4 SE/4 71-17-19 PT NE/4 SE/4
| 215 342
| | 01/26/1990 01/25/1990 | 972 |
1 Hess Drug Co 2 All Concerned
| Other
| 215 340
| | 01/26/1990 12/31/1989 | 971 |
1 Pleasant Corners Cemetery Association Inc 2 Billings Mae 2 Mccoy Elsie 2 Mccoy Lester
| 215 339
| | 01/26/1990 01/22/1990 | 970 |
1 Firstcentral Federal Savings Bank 2 Duer Carol J 2 Duer Charles William
| Release Mortgage
| 215 338
| | 01/25/1990 01/18/1990 | 969 |
1 Monroe County Health Care Foundation 2 All Concerned
| Other
| 215 337
| | 01/25/1990 11/07/1989 | 968 |